Dennis Hopper
Monday, May 31, 2010
White BCBG Dresses
I'm dreaming of the perfect white dress for this summer.
Floral-Applique Silk Dress
Strapless Jacquard Dress
Tired Panel Halter Dress
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What To Wear: Charity Art Ball V3
One week to go until the ball! I'm excited. Went shopping with a bestie last night to see if we can score a hot little number to wear. My inspiration for the shopping. A party dress, and nude heels. I was told that this party requires me to show a little skin. Let's see how this goes.
Carven Black Ruffle Dress
Louboutin Titi 120 Panama Straw Pumps
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
BBQ time?
The weather is HOT and I'm hoping the boy will let me make dinner for him and his friend in from out of town. I've got a few ideas up my sleeve, and it's always nice to have new people to eat my food! Also I don't have a BBQ, and he does. Not fair. If the dinner falls through I will console myself with martini's on a patio with a lovely lady friend and finally planting my herb garden for my teeny tiny desk. We'll see how this goes. I do not exactly have a green thumb, but I do have a love of fresh herbs for my cooking, so hopefully this will be a successful project!
image via
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
White Kitchen
Love this white kitchen with little bursts of colour. How cheerful!
I need more fresh flowers in my life (and maybe in my kitchen too!)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Happy Weekend!
Hello all! I'm cheating a little as I often do and composing this now to be posted later on. I'd like to think that when this is being posted I would still be in bed,but the truth is I'll probably be up, in the shower, getting ready for a full weekend. My days are (hopefully) going to include time with the boy (and his family!) hot yoga, a haircut, grocery shopping, some dance dance dancing with high school friends, going to see Jersey Boys, a nice dinner at a restaurant I've been dying to try, and a lovely outdoor picnic! I'm very excited for this (long) weekend, and I hope you have as much fun as I intend on having!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Confession: Glasses
Confession. I wear glasses. Confession. I do like wearing glasses.
Anyone who knows me knows that I wear glasses. They know because I have them on my face 90% of the time. They are the first thing I grab for in the morning and I don't take them off until the lights go out at night. Why. Because I cannot see without them. And I prefer my world in focus, rather than a constant blur. My reliance on glasses being obvious, I do not love them. If you were to flip through one of my photo albums you might not guess right away that I wear glasses. Most pictures of me are sans lenses.(Contacts of course). When I go out at night and when I want to look good, I always always wear contacts. Why? I do not feel pretty in my glasses. There. I said it. I long for laser eye surgery, but am not currently a candidate. I am not ashamed of my glasses, but I consider them a bother. Maybe I need new stylish frames. But I already have 3 pairs, I think that's excessive already. Who knows. So until I can afford/am allowed to do the zapzap of my eyes, it's glasses for me.
Do you wear glasses? Do you like your glasses? Any suggestions?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Gala update: I have a ticket. I am a date for a handsome man. I need an outfit and someone to do my freaking hair so I'm a good looking date.
That is all.
(I clearly celebrated this exciting news by buying a cupcake. And by cupcake I mean a low fat muffin covered in icing. And by that I clearly mean a cupcake. Oh Whole Foods. So delicious. So not actually healthy. I'm ok with that.)
What To Wear: Charity Art Ball V2
Still dreaming about attending a ball. The event in question is a mere two weeks away. Maybe... mayyyybe, ifI just nip the budget here, and tuck it there... maybbbbe. It is for charity, right? Well, this is a second option running through my mind. How lady like and elegant. J'adore. I might use this as an excuse to wear a pair of beautiful never worn, vintage Christian Dior elbow length leather gloves I was given by the mother of one of my besties. They are beautiful. BEAUTIFUL.
Lela Rose Lace and Satin Dress
Jimmy Choo Quiet Pumps
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I believe
I believe in making mischief & the triumph of magic over the brute. I believe in short skirts & lip gloss & bringing the radical self-love revolution. I believe life doesn’t have to be serious, that you create your own reality & that beauty is all around us.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Snail
While in London the boy took me to the Tate Modern. Now, I'm not normally that into modern art. I know very little about art, and for me my favourite pieces of art are usually things that I find beautiful. Rodin, Vermeer, Monet all rank top choices for me. I simply like things which I find aesthetically pleasing. However, there was one piece in the Tate which really caught my eye, and that was The Snail, by Matisse. Perhaps because of the big bold colours, perhaps because I recognized the artist's name, knew his story, and had something to compare it against. But also because of it's story. This piece of art Matisse made while bed ridden, and nearing the end of his life. What he was trying to express with his big bold colours I can only guess at, however that undying need to create, to express, and to explore I can relate to.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Chanel Red Gingham Bikini
I am back! The trip was great, although much too short. Yes, it is possible to say that about all vacations, but flying 8 hours to and from London for 5 days may have been pushing it, especially for my first trip there. There is so much more of the city to explore! There is so much shopping still to do! But alas, back to work today, still jet legged. I apologize for my absence this past week, but I beg for your forgiveness with this cute Chanel bikini from their Resort 2011 collection. How adorable is it? I hope someone comes our with a more affordable version. One new bikini each year is allowed. This may be it.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Gary Hutton
I'm a lot in love with these home images. So clean and bright.
Interior designer Gary Hutton
Found here
Friday, May 7, 2010
London 2010
In a matter of hours I will be on a plane headed directly to London, England.
Wish me luck! I am so excited I am tingling! I'm meeting up with two old friends from my undergrad, as well as planning some shopping, sight seeing, eating and drinking.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What To Wear: Charity Art Ball

I got an invitation to charity BALL yesterday night.
YES, a big fancy open bar ball.
The only thing is I cannot afford the tickets. Sad face. It's just not in the budget, and those people who know me know that my budget reigns supreme. I've always wanted to go to balls, so now that I am getting invited, I figured I had better dream up some outfits to wear!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Backstage at 3.1 Phillip Lim
How am I (facebook) friends with someone who shoots NY Fashion week? Jessie Hayes is a really talented photographer, and we have a few friends in common, but I'm not really sure how we became facebook friends since I have a policy of not adding anyone I don't know. That being said, I love keeping track of what she has been up to!
Question number two... how do I make my hair look like that? No really. Anyone?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Countdown to London England is ON!
Of course I had to check out the wares at a few certain stores.
This Ted Baker dress has caught my eye... Now let's just see if it fits!
Tela by Ted Baker
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